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Are you ready to live a lighter, more positive fulfilled life?

But maybe not sure where to start?! You are in the right spot my love, I have created the perfect 30 day journal for you. It's easy to use, downloadable, and made with so much love, just by purchasing you are going to raise your vibe and start your journey to a more positive life. 

Click below for your copy!

Hi, I'm andrea 

aka Dre!


Hi! I'm Dre, and although I'm really positive and happy I have to remind everyone here that it wasn't always that way. I spent years and I mean YEARS hating myself.. hating the girl I saw in the mirror, hating the way my body looked, never feeling good enough, always living in the past worried about things I said, making fun of myself for the mistakes I made. Crippling myself over the awkward things I said. I would replay conversations from the day in my head questioning why I said the "stupid" things I said. 


I had to do a lot of forgiveness for the way I talked to myself, I didn't deserve that and neither do you!. Which is why I am actually thankful I used to feel that way about myself because now I get to use the skills I learned on my Self-love journey to help women all over the world fall in love with themselves. 


So you can move out of the past, stay out of the future and THRIVE right here in the moment living the life of your dreams. It's all starts with a little love. 



Here's how I can help!


Hello beautiful! Ready to transform the relationship with your self and become a magnet to all your deepest desires?! Join my 8 week group coaching program! 



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